Allied Health Minor (ALH)

This minor in allied health helps prepare students to work in a career in the growing healthcare field.  Students will learn hands-on skills and how to interact with patients at the foundational level in a variety of populations. 

Graduates of the allied health minor will demonstrate:

  • A basic understanding of anatomy and physiology
  • Foundational knowledge in orthopedic and/or clinical examination
  • Essential patient care skills and techniques
  • Cultural competence and effective communication strategies pertaining to the healthcare industry

For the course descriptions for allied health minor, please see the Kinesiology and Health Studies.

Program Contact: Associate Professor Karla Francioni

Core Courses12.00 hours
Required Course Selections9.00 hours

Core Courses

Note: BIO305, 305L, 306, and 306L may be taken in place of KHS304, 306 and 306L.

Item #
Credit Hour(s)
Sub-Total Credit Hour(s)

Required Course Selections

Select 3 courses from the following:

Item #
Credit Hour(s)
Sub-Total Credit Hour(s)
Total credits: