Computer Science
Majors and Minors
CSC215 : Computer Science II
This course continues the study of the computer language and programming topics begun in CSC 115 and covers some tools and resources that are available in the larger “eco-system” of the programming language under study.
Credit Hour(s)
Semester Offered
CSC303 : Fundamentals of Data Computing
This course focuses on data analysis in settings where the data is so large, dispersed or messy that machine-processing is required to gather, clean and transform it into forms suitable for analysis. We also study computer-based techniques for the analysis of such data, including machine data visualization and modeling with data. Principles of reproducible research are studied and put into practice throughout the course.
Credit Hour(s)
MAT111 or CSC115 or PSY211 or permission of the instructor.
Semester Offered
CSC324 : Web Programming
The study of one or more web programming languages, and the application of these languages in frontend and back-end web development.
Credit Hour(s)
Semester Offered
CSC400 : Modern Data Science
This course continues the work of CSC 303. Topics include supervised machine-earning, unsupervised machine-learning, interactive graphics, database query, web-app frameworks for data exploration and reporting, and workflow-tools such as version-control systems. Additional topics such as network analysis or text-based analysis may be covered as time permits.
Credit Hour(s)
Semester Offered
CSC460 : Internship
Credit Hour(s)
1 - 3Prerequisites
CSC115 and consent of the supervising instructor.