MLS212 : Advanced Leadership II

This course focuses principally on officership, providing an extensive examination of the unique purpose, roles, and obligations of commissioned officers. It includes a detailed look at the origin of our institutional values and their practical application in decision-making and leadership. At the core of this course of instruction is a capstone study in officership/leadership. This lesson traces the Army’s successes and failures as it evolved from the Vietnam War to the present, placing previous lessons on leadership and officership in a real-world context that directly affects the future of students who choose to enter the advanced course of the ROTC program. This course draws the various components of values, communications, decision- making, and leadership together to focus on a career as a commissioned officer. Upon completion of this course, student should possess a fundamental understanding of both leadership and officership, demonstrate the ability to apply this understanding in real- world situations, and be excited about the aspect of shouldering the responsibility of a commissioned officer in the United States Army.


MLS101, 102, and 211 or consent of the instructor.


Must be concurrent with MLS250.



Credit Hour(s)