This catalog is a description of the academic programs, policies, facilities, services, and staff of Georgetown College. It describes what is available and what is expected in order to complete a program of study successfully. This catalog is essential for planning one’s academic experiences and can be most useful when supplemented with faculty advising and guidance.
The catalog is not an offer to make a contract. While the information in this catalog is current at the time of publication, Georgetown College reserves the right to change or delete any of its courses of study, course offerings, schedule, tuition, and other charges, policies or programs of the College at any time and without any notice.
A candidate for a degree may choose to graduate under the regulations of the catalog in force at the time of enrollment or any subsequent catalog provided that the catalog chosen is not more than seven years old. A student must have been enrolled under the catalog chosen and must conform to the degree requirements of that catalog.
While Georgetown College is committed to academic quality, the College is not able to guarantee that a student’s pursuit of a particular course of study will result in any profession or occupation, or in admission to other undergraduate or graduate courses of study at other institutions. Advisors and college officials make every effort to provide current information to students, but it is the student’s responsibility to know all applicable policies and degree requirements.